
2018 – Present


Alan is a Voice AI platform that helps integrate voice to any app on any App. I worked as UI/UX designer building the product, then switched to Marketing Designer Lead and maintain all Marketing/Sales design aspects.

Product prototype

Product Brand Development & Brand Managing

Brand Development

Product Features

Current state of product, that was initially created with my prototype

iOS, Android Playgroud apps

iOS, Android Show Case Apps (10+)

Voice use cases

See full playlist


During working at Alan AI I was building the product IDE for voice scripts, marketing design, marketing deck sales video design. Also we were helping our clients to build voice user flows for their users to benefit and save time and money.

I was working with my manager, we were creating user flows and a voice script for it that significantly improves client's app usability. Here are some voice use cases.

My role

Research, UI design of flow, redesign of client's app sometimes, creating a video with Alan'a and user's voice.


I enjoy working on our client's use cases because:

  1. I research new industry: oil and gas, retail, airline, bank, ect.
  2. We find broken user flows where we can create a huge impact: optimise time of finishing a user's task, provide necessary information & help to the user.
  3. We implement voice scripts and Alan lets control app not only voice, but touch and type in the same time. We call it multi-modular dimension.
  4. I created 90+ videos for different use cases similar to these. For some of them I created new UI, some were integrated to existing customer's app. Platform's part of this was done by our motion designer

Design System

Not only UI Kit

We created full system of components in sketch library, successfully maintained it. Also created templates for Slides, Videos, Doc files that were used across all team. Implemented same approach for marketing system to be consistent across all platforms and during work with contractors. Or to stand out for special events.

Deck / Slides Design & Sales Collateral

— Deck templates, slide designs from paper sketch, help with pitch.

— I created decks for: investors, sales calls, customer calls, webinars and other events.

— Keynote, then Google Slides


Sequences, newsletters, email design and HTML development

User's journeys

UX Research's homepage  hero section, jan 2020

After team had created external homepage, I conducted User research interviews with developers to figure out if there is enough information, is it correctly described, do developers understand product and how to start building voice scripts.

My role UX-researcher, UX-interviewer

Problem After creating a homepage we were not sure if our external pages deliver clear information to developers (one of our users types of persona's) about what product can do.  hero section, may 2019, before research

Users Developers, all levels: from CTO to junior.

Conclusion I found my feet in creating a system to conduct quality research interviews (tables, decks, recordings). And a framework for it. Now for any new research the only problem I front is to find respondents. More about research

Marketing Videos

Here are just some of them

Social Media & Blog




Product Hunt Launch


July 2020


Nov 2020

Hiring / Team leading

Summer Interns, hiring designer for the team