

International food-delivery startup that connects restaurants and people. Foodpanda's office was in Moscow office in 2013. Our department was responsible for all advertising tasks. Every day i was updating banners with deals, preparing content for newsletter, designing brochures for print, creating all graphic designing assets. We started redesigning our homepage. My boss was french and my colleagues was all over the world. I got lots of diverse experience from them. As in Russia there was giant competitor (Deliveryclub), after few years Foodpanda was sold to Deliveryclub

My role

Designer of banners, graphic designer


20-50 y.o. who order food online.

My process

Gathering information (text, logo, deal details, requirements and restrictions) from customer managers. This banners were updated on our website, used as advertisement in fb, vk, odnoklassniki and other systems.

Creating banners of all sizes (~10)

Preparing this deals for our weekly newsletter.

Creating business cards, flyers, etc by request from the team

We started preparing flow of creating of A/B testing multiply languages pages


I enjoyed working in diverse international startup. I was almost always hungry while looking at beautiful pizza and burger images.

The process of collecting data from our partners was time consuming (dozen of emails for 1 small banner) I invented and integrated automation for setting task: I emailed everyone with a google form that they need to fill (to request any banner) with all fields that required to create a banner. I got all information in the google table and email with request. Created automation in Photoshop and Illustrator to get 10+ resized banners in several clicks