

While working in Synqq, developer and I were animating several SVG icons. We had issues and i starting researching SVG world. I realized that animated SVG icon could be done with less code by automating it in web app.

There are some similar projects online, but there were none where you can upload svg icon.

Here is the flow: upload SVG form, select CSS states (focus, hover, click, etc), chouse css and js animations, test it, and download css/js/html files. Designer has provide it to web developer and integrate it to their project.


Hard to visualize animation of icon using just developer tools


Designers and developers

My role  & process

As the boss 😎 I was doing research: contacted 50 designers and developers, created one pager description, a prototype, my friend was designing creating ui, and developer starting developing. So it was our pet-project.

Defining product, creating questionnaire for quantitive research

Analyzing qualitative research data

Creating prototype

Helping UI designer to create landing page

Creating html/css examples, working with developers

Product stoped on development phase. May be some day some developer will finished and we launch this product


I understand that I am not able to develop this stage to launch myself. And I am not planning to learn backend so I am waiting to developers to finish this. I need this product for launch to use svg-animation it in other projects