Good IT Works

Creating homepage-portfolio for a small & independent development team.

The task was to create 3 simple pages: main (with services), projects (with selected 5 projects), about us. Also create, re-write, structure text, that client provided.

Navigo was used as a typeface, to provide professional look to the website.

The project is still in slow progress.

Our process

Created a moodboard, while preparing content and UI Kit. We started from mobile version, then created desktop in a draft mode. After that we took homepage, and started to iterate on how to make it better. After finalizing it, I created hq-versions for mobile and some other breakpoints. And the developer stated html/css process.

We are having lots of iterations.  Here are some of them. I am recording video-prototypes, because this is much closer to how people will se the page (not like in 1 screen)