Introwise for events


Introwise was estonian and canadian startup. It's a webapp where people can create "trips" and organise personal events by inviting other people to this "trip" without need to share personal contacts (as fb does). Small businesses also could create this trips to advertise their workshops and events. I was helping with redesign of some pages of Sharedtrip, testing user flows, collecting feedback and was working on new branding. Among this, developed new branding and homepage for Sharedtrip.

After some time fb launched fb-events and creators of Sharedtrip made a pivot to big events. Although there were products that solved one-to-one networking (very expensive for middle-size events), nobody solved small groups in events. Sharedtrip became Introwise and Introwise had proven their value.

My role

Product designer. I was in a charge of a rebranding, redesigning all (Sharedtrip) pages, helping with deck design, design system. I was working in a small team: 2 executives, 1 developer, 1 smm manager.


After switching from Sharedtrip to Introwise the app needed to be rebuild, it has dozens of bugs, inconsistencies. So as new features were requested by users.


Big events attendees, event orgs

My process

I created various decks, redesigned homepage, created consistent branding system, smm post's system. For any new feature I created variants of layout prototypes. Started collecting design system that would be synchronized with developer. Created product video. Provided UI fixes to developers.


Introwise is launched. Product successfully switched (pivoted). Now it provides real value and solves networking issue. Here are some pages (I am not allowed to show all of them):


I enjoyed consulting this team. It was big challenge for me, not to be able to fix every issue. But we did our best.