

NTG (native travel group) holding provides business travel services for telecom operators. It had several subsystems: NTG for travel managers (Wellington), IT business travel blog, NTG for accountants, Hamilton is CRM for tickets, documents, info about air companies and flight fares.

In Russia airlines send fare updates to service providers in command line form. For NTG it was important to update fares and to deliver best prices for their clients. That why we created feature in Hamilton when operated reads newsletters from all russian airlines and input this to our system. So Hamilton could suggest best price tickets using this information.

It was a company of 10 people with a giant telecom clients where us we had only 3 operators.

My role

UI designer, UX researcher, prototyper

My process

I went 2 weeks courses, related to fare rules, to understand this field. Researched how inputing fare was done by developer & user. Our team had a Design thinking workshop where we figure out how product should work to make this process easy and flawless.

Started designing UI, we had 2-day iterations where I consulted users and developers (we held user testing of prototype)

After ~7 iterations I finished UI part and provided design to developers

We finished working on this product only after we measured time on this task: after significantly decreases time input fare rules (from 1 day to 20 minutes).


Product was launched, used and sold to other company.






It was my first experience working in Design thinking, user interviews, using user stories, and iterative approach. After this product I realized that I want to do more UX work.