
https://osdy.ru/ | Full project in Behance


OSDY is a travel-management system, that provides business travel services for companies with 100+ employees. With Osdy's help, customers book full business-trips (flight train, hotel, transfer), get correct documentation for accountant. Osdy solves any issues with travellers during trips. They find a way from any problem, as an example: find a way out of Northern Island if all roads & airports are closed.

My role

After client contacted me, we figured out, that we needed professionals from other fields. And I gathered a team: band & graphic designer, html-developer, 2 backend developers, seo-specialist.

My role was: product designer, project manager, manager working with client, advisor, ghost blog developer, copywriter.

Leading complete project was a challenge, so as a level-up for me


Osdy had a DIY landing. It was not trustworthy. Zero clients came in, current clients claimed that their homepage didn't show all value Osdy delivered to them. Osdy wanted to develop actual trust, show value through new brand, provide access to their booking system and a place where clients's managers may learn how to use booking system.

Osdy requested:

Redesign of landing

Tool for documentation

Deck, all brand materials, website that will sell through blog

Users & Goals

Travel-managers and Business assistants

Understand what is Osdy, how is it different from other providers, how to use it, how to sell it to their boss. See why to trust.


Get correct documents in right time, related to trips and money

Employees & heads that go to trips

Get all travel-papers set up and help, issue-solving 24/7

My process

Task-understanding Document

Personas description

Onboarding + CJM

Prototype (video)

Branding + purchasing a high-quality typeface from mr Gordon & Paratype. Conqueror-sans & Futura Futuris

Deck design

Variants of layout — when layout was chosen — creating design system

Creating other pages as prototype

Copywriting and editing content. Helping with photoshoot.

Ghost blog development

Web/mobile layouts for all pages (video)

Re-design of paper documents

UI of booking system (that was not needed eventually, because system was integrated by another provider. Although we re-styled it as far as we could.)

Launching website. Testing, fixing, lots of iterations.

Deck & some brand assets printing (video of test example)

SMM strategy: online branding of social pages, posts.

Working with SEO, editors

Stationary: souvenirs, ect. Gifts.

Further support with some design & development.


I am very happy that I've got the experience of leading complete project, gathering a team, developing diverse of tasks for single brand with such supportive client. From zero to the launch and further support. It was possible only because the client was opened to new processes, ideation, learning new frameworks and was able to work with my team as a partner, delivering all needed feedback and information in time. All Osdy's team was enormously helpful, opened to collaboration and because all of these factors — we succeeded.