Sberbank (2 ux-cases)


Sberbank is the main Russian bank that provides financial services for people, businesses and government. There are 2 use cases I was working on.

Insurance ux hackathon.

Sberbank arranged huge hackathon to find ideas and ux flows about how to improve insurance service for their clients (people). I was participating in a team of 1 entrepreneur, 3 managers, 1 designer.

We were organaized, helped by and learned from core ux Sberbank's team mentors. We figured out feature of personal and family insurance and the way how to integrate it in Sberbank's app. After conducting user interview and refining a prototype we presented this proejct to 200+ people and Sber's execs. We got second place prize.

More about it on Behance

External Website

I was studing on ux cources and my mentor was from Sberbank. We were researching external website, conduction user interviews and forming a report for a team.

More about it