
Copywriting, errors, design system

Tinkoff is the biggest online russian bank. I was working there ~1 year as UX designer, ux writer and copywriter. Fixing usability bugs, creating landing pages and fixing wording in products I was in charge of:

  1. Fixing usability bugs. I was taking 1 product, testing it in different conditions, creating usability report that consisted of dev, design, copy, logic, architecture, errors and improvements. Went to team of that product and we were figuring out when and how it will be fixed. Unfortunately I was the only one ux designer in the bank of 1000+ employees, 1 million+ clients with no option to create UX department with lab and research engineers.

2) Rewriting system errors. Banks infrastructure is very complicated. It consists of several internal and external backends. It was a huge challenge for me to figure out from which system errors are coming from, find that department, figure out reasons of this error, understand what should we do: fix the whole flow, design some stub or rewrite error with user friendly tone of voice. Then to convince execs to take it in sprint. Now I see the result that i use everyday.

  1. I started huge project to create a design system. In that time IT team was moving from Angular to React. UI designers team were trying to keep ui kit in sketch-file. But it was not any how synchronized with developers. Different designers were creating similar components differently. Also there were a lot of products of bank. Consequently there was a giant mess in not consistent components. But also it was good time to create synchronized design system. With 1 developer, tester, 1 exec we started collecting, naming, structurizing main components in a simple google sheet table. We cerated a structure, planned a flow of building system approach. I started that process and others continued. After several team changed they got syncronized design system.

Tinkoff Invest

During my work in Tinkoff bank along with a team of 1 exec, 3 business analytics, 1 team lead and 1 designer started working on a new investment product. Previously it was hard to become investor in Russia: complicated documentation, risky investment products that hard to understand. Tinkoff Investment was created for usual people to learn investing, becoming low risk investor, purchasing stocks. Currently project had changed a lot

Tinkoff mortgage, payments, card pages and many other tasks

You may check all screenshots of products that I gathered for more info:

UX & Copywriting, images

Profile Re-design