

Toledo is react native (ios, android, web) app to find long term rent apartment with Tinder-mechanic.

Toledo has 2 sides: owner describes a flat and person who looking for flat also describes himself. Then after setting filter they start to swipe. After mutual match owner and a person looking for a flat receive contact information. Afterwords Toledo help with signing documents, law help and helds all deal inside this match, provides chat room and stores data about flat, gas, electricity during all period of rent.

Monetization was subscription-based, for pro-account, and laweyr if needed.

We build it with 3 developers from side-project without any investments.

My role

Product designer. I created branding, ux, ui, animations.


There is a giant mistrust and economical unsafety in a rent market in Russia. Low level of knowledge and low regulation.

My process

Prototype low-quality

Animated prototype

Designing all planmed features

High fidelity design of core feature


Collaborating with developers

Design system UI



App development paused because of unavailability of core developer. We didn't have chance to test it.


It was quiet interesting project because core developer and me were making all desicions. I enjoying working with him.

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